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Bog ID

BOG ID is a Bank of Georgia authorization/registration/verification service that will allow customers to register and authenticate in your online store with an existing Bank of Georgia account.

BOG ID unifies online banking and mobile banking authentication methods. If a user chooses online banking authentication, they will initiate login to your platform by entering their username and password.

Using Mobile Banking, an individual can scan a QR code and confirm their login to your platform. If the user agrees, the Bank of Georgia will share the information you request.

How to activate the service: To integrate BOG ID, your company must be a client of the Bank of Georgia. To activate the service, click the "Activate" button and then enter your login details. (To obtain the details, go to the link). The details that the Bank of Georgia will provide to you include two parameters: client id, client secret.

How to activate the service: To integrate BOG ID, your company must be a client of the Bank of Georgia. To activate the service, click the "Activate" button and then enter your login details. (To obtain the details, go to the link). The details that the Bank of Georgia will provide to you include two parameters: client id, client secret.